sunday - 8/4/24 - 4:14
I FINISHED THE MUSIC PLAYER WOOOOOOO. I still have to find a gif so i dont have the main page infested by kirbys but ignoring that part its done. With this i can say that the main page is done for now, it still needs everything i left written in the todo list basically but i kinda dont want to do that right now and id like to move to other pages already (even though im redoing everything someday but thats something for me to deal with later) apart from that ive fixed the blogpost page layout so its more in line with the main page and some other tweaks that i dont remember honestly
thursday - 7/25/24 - 00:19am
didnt do much but it took me a lot of time bc i dont know javascript but i got done some more stuff with the blogposts page, made the news text toggleable and made the pfp change with each refresh
sunday - 6/17/24 - 5:18am
ignore the posting time btw. not much to say today but big news anyways i got a burst of motivation so i (finally) fixed positioning and layouts so it doesnt use absolute positioning, is able to change zoom without breaking everything and overall its less janky (and actually centered now, wow). I also got the basic layout for blogpost pages done but i kinda have to remake it now to fix positioning.
school is fucking me over but i came back to work on the site wooooo. anyways added klonoa as a decor bc ive been obbesed w him recently and updated mood stuff, more updates soon maybe ill learn js at school soon so maybe that will bring some improvements (if the teacher decides she wants to teach for once). some things to look forward to if the stars align is getting back to finish the blogposts maybe and revamping the look of the site if i can but idk.
tuesday - 2/1/24 - 2:26am
not much to say honestly but the main page is almost finished, most of the things missing are custom stuff and or decorations so ill get them done later but for now ill start working on other pages probably the next one will be the blogpost one so i can write about anything i want which was the main point of the site. anyways the changes done are: positioning remaining contents, added chatbox using cbox and changed up some more text
sunday - 31/12/23
its new years eve but i still wanted to make a bit of progress for the site so here we are (also updates from now on will be more than just a list) anyways i couldnt make a lot of progress cause i got distracted but i changed up some text in the about section and started formating some of the contents for the right side of the page but they arent done yet so maybe tomorrow or the day after they will be done i hope
idk when
- Made basic visual style
- Finished about box
- Finished "me" box
- Added Navigation box
- Added oneko
header text woooo